Friday, 15 June 2007

ICT lessons suck

I am in an IT lesson sat next to madame Ernest [Caitlin]. It is kinda stupid as i can post on my blog [obviously] but i cannot view it afterwards. . . there is nothing worthy of filtering on my blog =S Why is this pointless filter necessary? The answer, i do not know.

Oh well. Well. . i can't remember when i last posted here so i can't remember whether or not i mentioned the science exam. It wasn't as bad as i thought it'd be, physics bit was eeeeeasy, biology was okay and chemistry was baaaaad =[ but i'm not too worried, it wasn't any where near as bad as i was imagining.

Hmmm what else to type. . . School is boring, i couldn't go down town today because it was raining. . well i could, i just decided against it, i was wet enough already =[

No Big Eye this sunday ='[ . . . well theyre filming the first bits with Chris, Ryan, Rhys and Clemmie. . . meaning i am not supposed to go =[ I shall be doing music coursework instead. Yay. ¬¬

OH!! I made my dad find an old pre-amp i didn't know we had, so now my mic is like LOUD =D!! Which means i can actually record some stuff now ^_^

Well i shall be home soon. . . I am in a typey mood so i may have to post again later today. Then again, i may not.

LoveLove [to Rhys :)] xXxXx

1 comment:

dani said...

You should have gone into town... I ended up going in with Lamo, 'cause I couldn't find any of you guys.

Hahaha stupid filters...