Sunday 17 June 2007


I'm happppppyyyyyyy =D -dances-

I wish yesterday could have lasted forever. . . i blame my mother for the fact it didn't. However i am glad she didn't shout at me as much as i thought she would for us leaving her waiting for half an hour =S hooray for good-tempered mothers!

This is the first time in my life i have actually felt truly happy, i mean usually its like a passing mood that goes away the next day or something. . . ahh *sighs* =] I hope this lasts forevverrrr ^______^

Well, atm i am writing my music cw and recording it. Well im supposed to be, i am actually just playing a load of random songs on guitar and doodling some riffs. . . Laura is awesome at song writing aswell btw, she will get famous through that someday, i can sense it. . .

I miss Rhys :( I love yoou =]

Well i'm out. See yuz =]

LoveLove xx

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