This is yet another blogging blog blogity blog site. . . yeea, feel free to leave, throw up, laugh. . . anything you want whilst reading this. But just ask yourself this; why are you reading my blog in the first place? o.O
Today is 15/05/2007. It's raining/not raining. I had an incredible hayfever attack in the middle of an art lesson. . . went to the nurse. . . she phoned my mum to ask if i was allowed some anti-hystamine [or however you spell it. . .] whilst i was sat in the corner trying to stop my eyes and nose from crying. They're trying to do that now, but i will not let them =].
I'm going to the fair tomorrow! Oh joy, because Monmouth May-fair is such a wonderful day out, completely worth the million pounds each ride costs. . .but it's my friend's birthday thing so i can't just not go =/ Hmm. . .
Also, i've officially decided my hair shall be like this:

When Raising Jayne is finished. . . gotta love the L cosplays ^_^.
Erm, i'll probably post something else today, i just can't be bothered to write any more in this one =]
ahhh we love the L hair ^__^
-nods- =D
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