Okay, the reason i havent posted that last few days is because Laura was round. . . and i've been on WoW [yes, it did download before i became 16. . . to my suprisement. . . [is suprisement a word? =S]] which is fuuuuuuuuuun =D
It's raining.
There was no Big Eye today which is really crap, im getting withdrawel symptoms. It's sad, because i'm the only one that seems to hate it when it's cancelled, everyone else is just like 'oh. . .oh well -gets on with life-' =/
Hmmmmm. . . Laura told me i literally smelt this morning which was nice. ¬¬ Cat's in America which sucks.
It would appear i am moaning.
I blame the rain. Also, why do people do huge spaces like the one i just did? I mean, i understand doing that so it goes down a whole page to hold suspence. . . but otherwise. . why? Meh. . weirdos :)
I have Zetsubou Billy in my head. . . . so i am seeing it necessary to say this:
KIRA!! My name is KIRA!! We are the KIRA!!
etc. . .
Fffffffffffrrrrrrrrryyuhmerr =] I'm bored. Someone please come to Newport with me on tuesday. . . pleeeeease =] I must see Pirates of the Caribbean. . i . . .MUST!!!
I may post again later today because i am THAT bored.
GoodBye x
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Hahahaaaaaa. . .
Dude, i can scare / offend / upset / anger / confuse and do several other amusing things to year 8s apparently xD. . . or maybe it's just the one. . . hahahahaa what's more likely. . .
Oh dear, i would go into that but it may bore you. . .those of you who know what im on about; think yourselves lucky xD.
Anyway, welsh reading coursework exam resit tomorrow morning, yay. ¬¬ Learning it now. Inbetween msn-ing, blogging, tv and other shiz. . . =/.
DEATH NOTE ARRIVED!!!!!! It's still not the replica though. . . hmm the Misa and L necklaces are awesome though :). And the quil for Death Note writing =]. Also got a free World of Warcraft ring which i saw no need for so is being given to Rhys. Although i am downloading WoW currently, but at this rate, i may not have it before i turn 16.
Hmmm what else to say. . . Pirates of the Caribean out this week!! =D =D!! MUST see that in half term. . . this is not an option, it MUST happen.
Also, i need a Misa skirt. Hmmm. . . perhaps a visit to Newport is required. Anyone wish to accompany me? :D
Also, Jujutsu on wednesdays at monmouth, anyone do that? =S I need more info, what's the age limit dammit? =S
Okay i had better revise now =/ [god did i just say that o.O] . . . ByeBye ^_^ xx
Oh dear, i would go into that but it may bore you. . .those of you who know what im on about; think yourselves lucky xD.
Anyway, welsh reading coursework exam resit tomorrow morning, yay. ¬¬ Learning it now. Inbetween msn-ing, blogging, tv and other shiz. . . =/.
DEATH NOTE ARRIVED!!!!!! It's still not the replica though. . . hmm the Misa and L necklaces are awesome though :). And the quil for Death Note writing =]. Also got a free World of Warcraft ring which i saw no need for so is being given to Rhys. Although i am downloading WoW currently, but at this rate, i may not have it before i turn 16.
Hmmm what else to say. . . Pirates of the Caribean out this week!! =D =D!! MUST see that in half term. . . this is not an option, it MUST happen.
Also, i need a Misa skirt. Hmmm. . . perhaps a visit to Newport is required. Anyone wish to accompany me? :D
Also, Jujutsu on wednesdays at monmouth, anyone do that? =S I need more info, what's the age limit dammit? =S
Okay i had better revise now =/ [god did i just say that o.O] . . . ByeBye ^_^ xx
Sunday, 20 May 2007
Blog Blog Blog
Why helloo. . .
Yesterday was amusing, went down to the Blake with Rhys [ no longer being reffered to as 'this kid' because that title is not fitting, as technically he is older than me . . .-eye roll-] and then watched him reherse for his orchestra concert thing :]. Laura also turned up after a while, she'd been 'looking at puppies' even though she isnt buying one, she was literally just looking at puppies o.O. . .
So yea anyway, after being chucked out of the Blake [ :'( ] we went back to my house. And sat at my computer making a really long music track for a video we're making for a competition thing, should be good ^^. Then went to sleep at about 3 in the morning.
Next day, BIG EYE! Well, this mainly consisted of Raising Jayne stooff, and us lot trying not to fall asleep. Sugar doesn't work anymore :'(. . .
Then came home and wrote in a blog. OMG. . . it was THIS blog! =O
Erm =S anyway. . . it was an . . .interesting. . . weekend, i'd say. Better than last week when i had to watch Spiderman 3 on my own -eye roll-. . . but it was Spiderman 3 so i didn't mind THAT much. . . kinda. . .
Well im not going into that again.
Science mock tomorrow. ¬¬ I'm going to get an E, just like i did on my welsh coursework exam last week :]. No i'm not actually a retard, just no good at welsh. . . or science.
Anyway, i am going now. Bye Bye ^_^ x
Yesterday was amusing, went down to the Blake with Rhys [ no longer being reffered to as 'this kid' because that title is not fitting, as technically he is older than me . . .-eye roll-] and then watched him reherse for his orchestra concert thing :]. Laura also turned up after a while, she'd been 'looking at puppies' even though she isnt buying one, she was literally just looking at puppies o.O. . .
So yea anyway, after being chucked out of the Blake [ :'( ] we went back to my house. And sat at my computer making a really long music track for a video we're making for a competition thing, should be good ^^. Then went to sleep at about 3 in the morning.
Next day, BIG EYE! Well, this mainly consisted of Raising Jayne stooff, and us lot trying not to fall asleep. Sugar doesn't work anymore :'(. . .
Then came home and wrote in a blog. OMG. . . it was THIS blog! =O
Erm =S anyway. . . it was an . . .interesting. . . weekend, i'd say. Better than last week when i had to watch Spiderman 3 on my own -eye roll-. . . but it was Spiderman 3 so i didn't mind THAT much. . . kinda. . .
Well im not going into that again.
Science mock tomorrow. ¬¬ I'm going to get an E, just like i did on my welsh coursework exam last week :]. No i'm not actually a retard, just no good at welsh. . . or science.
Anyway, i am going now. Bye Bye ^_^ x
Friday, 18 May 2007
. . .
Nyaaah. . . Nothing has really happened, apart from my friend went to that job i wanted . . . AND I WANTED THE EFFING JOB! Arrgh, i mean, i knew i was selfish, but THAT selfish? =/ This is a new low even for me. It's just, Monmouth is so shite you see, the only place that would hire us was that place, and it was MY idea to go job hunting, i need a laptop to live, and in order to get a laptop i must have money. Job = money. No job = no money, which = no laptop.
I'm not a very nice person, am i =/. See this friend could read this any time, she has this addy, and then she'll feel all bad again. Well if you DO read this, don't bother feeling bad. I'll get over this eventually. And it was the Wiggies person's fault. STUPID IDIOTIC WOMAN WHO GOES BY WHAT PEOPLE TELL HER. . . BBBBIIIIIAAAAASSSEEEDDD!!!!!!!
-shakes fist-
ANYWAY. . . My mind is screwed up at the moment anyway, without all the job crap.
I would go into details but people involved might read this and that would make it all worse. Lol.
Good things:
WEEKEND!! NO SCHOOL FOR. . . two days. But they should be a good two days :]. Apart from the revision homework bit.
Saturday = Possibly stalking Laura around Savoy, then around Monmouth. Followed by possibly going out with family & family friends / bumming round Monmouth with people. Followed by seeing this kid in a concert. =D . . .If i can be bothered to do any of that. :]
Then the next day, BIG EYE!
The rest of today shall be boring though.
Erm, GoodBye =] x
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Today and Yesterday. Wuhey! 2 in 1!
Well, the fair yesterday was fun. . . erm, not. The highlight was recieving a toy gun off the very same friend who got that job i wanted. . . does that make up for it? I'll let you decide.
Anyway, i spent most of the time at the fair stood around being bored texting this child and playing with my toy gun, whilst eating a not-that-nice lolly =/. It was a disgrace of a lolly, didn't even diserve to be one. L would be ashamed.
Er, anyway. . . today i was in one of those moods where you don't feel like talking, see this is a perfectly normal mood to me, but apparently it is what is described as a 'mood'. This confuses me, because yes, it is a mood, but a 'mood' is something completely different. Apparently, if i dont feel like talking, it means i hate all my friends. EH? This is insane, who ever thought of that?
Is the world insane?
The answer: Yes.
I've decided to stop trying in some aspects of my life, this will almost definetly result in more 'mood's, because one of the things i've given up on is trying to understand my school friends.
I've never understood them.
So yea, bit bored now. All the year 11s left yesterday, i signed Laura's stomach, this was an interesting experience. However, i shall miss her =[. Even though we see eachother every week at Big Eye. . . Oh well.
No one reads this. Why am i writing this. . .
Meh. GoodBye. ^.^ x
Anyway, i spent most of the time at the fair stood around being bored texting this child and playing with my toy gun, whilst eating a not-that-nice lolly =/. It was a disgrace of a lolly, didn't even diserve to be one. L would be ashamed.
Er, anyway. . . today i was in one of those moods where you don't feel like talking, see this is a perfectly normal mood to me, but apparently it is what is described as a 'mood'. This confuses me, because yes, it is a mood, but a 'mood' is something completely different. Apparently, if i dont feel like talking, it means i hate all my friends. EH? This is insane, who ever thought of that?
Is the world insane?
The answer: Yes.
I've decided to stop trying in some aspects of my life, this will almost definetly result in more 'mood's, because one of the things i've given up on is trying to understand my school friends.
I've never understood them.
So yea, bit bored now. All the year 11s left yesterday, i signed Laura's stomach, this was an interesting experience. However, i shall miss her =[. Even though we see eachother every week at Big Eye. . . Oh well.
No one reads this. Why am i writing this. . .
Meh. GoodBye. ^.^ x
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
. . . Meh.
Hayfever sucks. Also, i'm a teensy bit peed off at the fact i thought i had a job, a way of getting money, but i don't. . . my friend does. . . -eye roll-. This means i have to go job hunting again tomorrow after school. =/ ASWELL as going to the fair. . . Yay. This just keeps getting better. . . ¬¬
Another also, i am so sick of school. It's like torchure each day atm. . . a week and a half until half term. . . hmm =/ then i get a solid 5 weeks [i think] until summer hols, how the hell am i meant to survive that?! -sighs- Still, only one year left at that shit hole. :]
Can't think of anything else. >.<
Another also, i am so sick of school. It's like torchure each day atm. . . a week and a half until half term. . . hmm =/ then i get a solid 5 weeks [i think] until summer hols, how the hell am i meant to survive that?! -sighs- Still, only one year left at that shit hole. :]
Can't think of anything else. >.<
And so it begins. . .
This is yet another blogging blog blogity blog site. . . yeea, feel free to leave, throw up, laugh. . . anything you want whilst reading this. But just ask yourself this; why are you reading my blog in the first place? o.O
Today is 15/05/2007. It's raining/not raining. I had an incredible hayfever attack in the middle of an art lesson. . . went to the nurse. . . she phoned my mum to ask if i was allowed some anti-hystamine [or however you spell it. . .] whilst i was sat in the corner trying to stop my eyes and nose from crying. They're trying to do that now, but i will not let them =].
I'm going to the fair tomorrow! Oh joy, because Monmouth May-fair is such a wonderful day out, completely worth the million pounds each ride costs. . .but it's my friend's birthday thing so i can't just not go =/ Hmm. . .
Also, i've officially decided my hair shall be like this:

When Raising Jayne is finished. . . gotta love the L cosplays ^_^.
Erm, i'll probably post something else today, i just can't be bothered to write any more in this one =]
This is yet another blogging blog blogity blog site. . . yeea, feel free to leave, throw up, laugh. . . anything you want whilst reading this. But just ask yourself this; why are you reading my blog in the first place? o.O
Today is 15/05/2007. It's raining/not raining. I had an incredible hayfever attack in the middle of an art lesson. . . went to the nurse. . . she phoned my mum to ask if i was allowed some anti-hystamine [or however you spell it. . .] whilst i was sat in the corner trying to stop my eyes and nose from crying. They're trying to do that now, but i will not let them =].
I'm going to the fair tomorrow! Oh joy, because Monmouth May-fair is such a wonderful day out, completely worth the million pounds each ride costs. . .but it's my friend's birthday thing so i can't just not go =/ Hmm. . .
Also, i've officially decided my hair shall be like this:

When Raising Jayne is finished. . . gotta love the L cosplays ^_^.
Erm, i'll probably post something else today, i just can't be bothered to write any more in this one =]
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