Oh the joys of school, i'd like to say I missed it over the holidays but I just can't bring myself to lie that much. Hmmmmm. . . the only lessons I am quite glad to be back in doing shtuffs would be art, drama (we're watching 'The Others' atm, so awesome :o) and musique. And of course the worst being maths, english and physics. I don't think I would EVER enjoy maths, but the others are probably down to crap teachers. Biology is behaving well at the mo., i've decided to give it more of a chance this year coz I used to like it . . . and can't remember why I stopped liking it. ICT is just taking the piss. . . MENTALLY SCARRED. . . I don't know what exactly I did to deserve to have to sit inbetween Pete and Gooch but it is not in the slightest even a bit ammusing. ICT lessons should be followed by a trip to the therapist. Next up we have. . Chemistry. Meh, only had one lesson. . Connern is alright, it's just a tad boring and nothingy. Oooh today I had "Learning to L.O.L" =D and did I learn to lol? No. No I did not.
I probably forgot some subjects but I do not care :) mainly because the forgotten ones were probably forgotten for a reason.
So yeeee-es. . . DRAMA TRIP SOON!!! Ummm. . . and. . er. . . 3 months mit Rhys today!!! :D
So yea. . erm. . . . yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeas. . . -cough-